Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mind - a virtual entity

After reading/hearing spiritual books, principles, sayings and lectures I got a rough idea about it.

Here is it for you:
+ Mind is a virtual entity which drives every human being.
+ Thoughts are the raw material to function
+ Belief is the one and only cause for every action
+ There is no positive/negative thoughts exists
+ It is all you make and derive

This will look like philosophy. But when you understand(realize) it becomes truth. Until then these are just words.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"I will drink the ocean" says the persevering soul

I love reading books, especially spiritual books. But I don't read often. One of the statement which keeps haunting me 24x7 in my life is "I will drink the ocean. At my will mountains will crumble up." which was said by Swami Vivekananda in Raja Yoga(Chapter: Pratyahara and Dharana). What a gigantic energy passes through the nervous system of the body on hearing this quote!! People often read books about worldly knowledge. I would suggest this book for people who has a thirst of knowledge on reality. I would say this book is my bhagavat gita / bible / qur'an(koran). It's with me all the times. It is essential for every human.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Replace TRY with DO

Most common word we use for our commitments is "I will try", "I will try my best", "I will try to come" etc., The word TRY means effort. Effort can be equated with a verb DO. So when a person says "I will do it" then it becomes the true commitment. Because either DO or Don't DO is the only possibility. If you say DO, your mind pays 100% concentration towards completing successfully. If you say TRY, at some corner of your mind pumps negative vibration eventually drains your concentration which always leads to failure. DO represents to the action with full positive energy, whereas TRY represents to the action but not 100% positive attitude. To be a successful person, DO instead of TRY.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Do eat to succeed

Are you thinking, What does this have to do with the world of computer software? It all comes back to stress management. Eating well and exercising contribute to a sharper mind, better focus and the ability to plow through your project.
The less attention you pay to your body, the more your mind will suffer, so pay attention to what you're eating. It's not complex -- just a matter of focusing on the good guys and staying away from the bad guys.
Good guys
Bad guys
Fruits and vegetables
100% organic juices
Soda (even diet)
Complex carbohydrates (multigrain breads, fruits and vegetables, legumes)
The white culprits (pastries, potatoes, white rice, white bread)
Protein -- keep it lean and you won't be mean!
Candy and sugar
Balance Bars or meal replacement bars

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My First Blog Post

This is my first entry in the blog! Keep watching this space for more interesting information!