Saturday, October 10, 2009

Do eat to succeed

Are you thinking, What does this have to do with the world of computer software? It all comes back to stress management. Eating well and exercising contribute to a sharper mind, better focus and the ability to plow through your project.
The less attention you pay to your body, the more your mind will suffer, so pay attention to what you're eating. It's not complex -- just a matter of focusing on the good guys and staying away from the bad guys.
Good guys
Bad guys
Fruits and vegetables
100% organic juices
Soda (even diet)
Complex carbohydrates (multigrain breads, fruits and vegetables, legumes)
The white culprits (pastries, potatoes, white rice, white bread)
Protein -- keep it lean and you won't be mean!
Candy and sugar
Balance Bars or meal replacement bars


  1. Well, this is exclusive to bad guys alone. You are a right choice.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Knowing a tad bit about nutrition this is what yours truly has to say:

    1) Potatoes are not BAD. It is the preparation method that makes all the differece. While a Mc D French Fries is bad for health even though it is appealing to your taste buds, a baked/boiled potato is actually good for health. Keep in mind that it is carbs and not proteins that gives energy instantly. Ofcourse being high in carbs you should consume it 3-4 hours before you sleep.

    2) Juices: Organic or otherwise I'd prefer freshly cut fruits any day as you lose out on fibre (required for digestion) with juice.

    3) Balance bars. That's another favourite topic of mine. Since my comments are getting bigger than the actual post itself, would recommend that you google for High Fructose Corn Syrup/Sugar

    4) Last but not the least, essential nuts such as almonds. They drive cholestrol away.

    5) Also oil in any form is bad. A normal healthy individual should not be consuming more than 500 ml a month.

    If you are wondering about my diet, it's almost all in the leftmost column in your table, but for one thing in the right. You know what :p Again moderation is the key!

  4. Thats cool vidya! thanks for the reply.
